Distant Starscapes: Deep Nebula and Stellar Frontier

In space, no one can hear you make starship noises...

The Deep Nebula is a gridless, ethereal vista for starship fleet combat in the depths of space, while the Stellar Frontier shows you a dark vastness on the fringe of the known galaxy, charted with faint 1-inch grid lines.

Poster measures 22 by 34 inches, and is printed on glossy poster stock. Pre-folded to 8.5 by 5.5 inches and packaged within a clear resealable envelope for safe shipping inside a heavier envelope.

Includes THREE 5 by 8 inch terrain cards featuring an assortment of 41 stars, planets, asteroids, and other stellar bodies designed to be cut out and placed on the Distant Starscapes maps to customize your space encounters.

$ 13.99

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